I watched food ink a few days ago, and I recommend it. It really shows you what is in your food and where it came from. It is frustrating how much power the food companies have, and it is up to us to buy healty food from good compaines to keep the huge companies from taking over the entire food industry. The way the butcher animals were treated horrified me! Now whenever I see meat, I imagine what the life of that animal must have been like. Sometimes I wish that all people would become vegetarian so htat the animals would be spared such misery. Whenever meat is bought at a store from a big meat company, whoever buys it is giving money directly to the company and making them more powerful. Whenever you pick up some chicken nuggets from Mcdonals, or buy some yummy fried chicken from KFC, you are contributing to compainies such as Tyson Foods who treat hteir animals cruelly and inhumanly. Think about it before you eat it people!
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