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Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Life, love, and all that

I have realized lately that life is all about love, and without it, there is nothing. I dont mean usy gooshy lovey romance love, but any kind of attachement, relationship, feelings for another. Some seem to think its about how much money you make, or how nice your car is, and I realised recently how opposed I am to that way of thinking. Life is about experience, not about building a reputation or getting as much as you can. I see how short life can be, and just thought I would use this time to tell everyone I know ( and dont know!) just how much I love them.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

I watched food ink a few days ago, and I recommend it. It really shows you what is in your food and where it came from. It is frustrating how much power the food companies have, and it is up to us to buy healty food from good compaines to keep the huge companies from taking over the entire food industry. The way the butcher animals were treated horrified me! Now whenever I see meat, I imagine what the life of that animal must have been like. Sometimes I wish that all people would become vegetarian so htat the animals would be spared such misery. Whenever meat is bought at a store from a big meat company, whoever buys it is giving money directly to the company and making them more powerful. Whenever you pick up some chicken nuggets from Mcdonals, or buy some yummy fried chicken from KFC, you are contributing to compainies such as Tyson Foods who treat hteir animals cruelly and inhumanly. Think about it before you eat it people!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Hair Cut!!

I gave my yorkie Uno a hair cut today! He looks like a new dog. Pictures shall come soon :)

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Uno Buno

My "puppy" Uno ( he is really almost 3!!) has had some issues learning the come command...He will come to me almost anytime, exept if he is barking at the fence, or doing something that is more interesting. I have decided that I need to train him to come WHENEVER I call him, just in case. This is the first day of actual "you must come" training, and it is going okay :) Here is a picture of him:

Friday, March 12, 2010


Today was a terrible day, for one, I stayed up last night really late finishing my homework and painting an acrylic painting. Then in school I had to take a math test, a German test and a computer science test. To finish it off, I was in a horrible mood when I got home, and haven't been having a very fun Friday…at all.

This is all I have to say.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

So Annoyed

I am really annoyed right now because I am sick and cannot move...I have a soccer game today but can't go, and I have to miss school. I am also stressed about homework.