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Thursday, September 24, 2009

Sick = Give me more WASSER!!!

Ive realized that over the time that Ive been sick, I have dranken soo much more water than usual. Its weird...usually I only drink once or twice a day at school, but today I drank at least once between every single class XD water = YUMMY! Have you noticed that when you are sick, you crave cold, icy sugary drinks? I always crave Iced coffee when im sick. I hate it when people tell you that drinking cold things is bad for you when you are sick!! ( EVEN IF ITS TRUE) it annoys me. I also crave freezing cold milk and iceream which probably is also really bad for you when your sick :'(


It is 1:09 AM and I am finnaly done with most of my catchup work for anatomy and english. I still have a few graphs to do but I have decided to ask her exactly how to do them tommorow...instead of randomly making it up. :} I can finnaly go back to school tommorow!! YAY! I am soo exited! I guess I did't need to stay up THIS late (early) to finish all my homework....but I decided to go downtown for a few hours and didn't get home till 8 o'clock. OH! and then I just HAD to take the cool personality test XD it told me that I was 55% senguin, 45% Cholaric and 5% meloncholic ::_& I guess you could say I am easily distracted. O well, at least its all done now! :D Must. Go. To. Bed. Now. -_-...zzzz.zzzzz.zzzzz